The Jonathan Hardin Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution held the final meeting of a very busy and successful year on May 9 at the Gibbs Memorial Library in Mexia.

Chapter Regent Aleece McBay welcomed guests Judy Callaway Ostler, State Regent, Texas Society Daughters of the American Revolution, and Kathy Hanlon, Honorary Chapter Regent, Elizabeth Crockett Chapter, Granbury, TX.

Following the call to order and DAR Ritual, Regent McBay conducted the regular business meeting. Chapter business included the awards received by the chapter at the 2018 State Conference. Those who attended the state conference gave brief reports.

State Regent Judy Ostler reviewed the work of her administration to carry out her theme “Inspiring Faith of Our Founding Fathers, Hope for American’s Future, and Love of God, Home and Country.” Mrs. Ostler shared her thoughts on her State Regent’s Project. The completed project is showcased in a full-color, 132-page book entitled “Courage, Charm, and Character,” the story of the First Ladies of Texas and the Historic Gown Collection at Texas Woman’s University. Proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the maintenance and restoration of the historic gown collection.

Additionally, chapter registrar Billie Bournias invited the state regent, Mrs. Ostler, to swear in two new members, Pam Wills Stuver and Sherrie Clark Wilson. In other chapter business, the chapter honored State Chaplain and chapter member Kay Shofner Alston for her years of leadership and service to DAR at the national, state and chapter level.

Mrs. Alston was given a special plaque reflecting the gratitude of Jonathan Hardin Chapter. The membership also acted on a recommendation from the chapter Executive Board to confer the title of Honorary Regent upon Kay Shofner Alston, Kathleen Davis McKee, and Aleece Eatherly McBay for their years of dedicated service to their local chapter.

The program was presented by Kathy Hanlon, Honorary Regent from the Elizabeth Crockett Chapter in Granbury, TX. The program was entitled “DAR Remembers World War I”. Daughters received a brochure “Texas and the Great War” published by the Texas Historical Commission.

In commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I, World War I Initiatives were provided to assist chapters in deciding how to participate in the 100th commemoration in November 2018.

Following the program, the new 2018-2020 Executive Board for the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR was installed by Mrs. Hanlon. Installed were the following: Chapter Regent Nancy Brown McSwane, First Vice Regent Carlene Williams Willis, Second Vice Regent Aleece Eatherly McBay, Chaplain Marsha McSwane Black, Recording Secretary Joan Sims Marsh, Corresponding Secretary Kathleen Davis McKee, Treasurer Diane Earley Pullin, Registrar Billie Sneed Bournias, Historian Rita Wertz Walker, and Librarian Diana Padgett McDonald.

The chapter will begin a new year September 12, 2018. Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence is eligible for membership.

For more information about joining the Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR, please contact Regent Nancy McSwane at 254-359-4620 or Registrar Billie Bournias at 903-389-3592.