banner_air_patrol_kilkenny  Making the flight to College Station is Airman First Class Jeremy Kilkenny (left) of Fairfield, along with Cadet Mangold of Corsicana…





“He loves it,” says proud father Lance Kilkenny, about son Jeremy’s first year with the Navarro County Civil Air Patrol (CAP).  “He is learning a lot about aeronautics.”
Jeremy Kilkenny, a Fairfield 7th Grader, joined this past April.  He has already experienced flying in a Cessna and received basic encampment training at Camp Bullis in San Antonio.
“That was an experience for him,” says his father.
His hard work has paid off, as Jeremy was recently promoted to Airman First Class.  “His goal is to make it to Cadet Major,” says Mr. Kilkenny
The CAP is the Official Auxiliary of the United States Air Force.  It is made up of cadets, ages 12-19, and adult senior members.
For those who chose a career in the military, cadets going through the CAP program may enter the Air Force at a step higher in rank.  “The Air Force Academy holds a certain number of slots for cadets graduating from this program,” explains Mr. Kilkenny.
There are nearly 2,000 squadrons and over 60,000 members of the CAP nationwide.  The Texas Wing is the 3rd largest in 52 nationwide.
Mr. Kilkenny joined the Navarro County CAP as a senior member and serves as Safety Officer, teaching such classes as Land Navigation and Safety to the junior cadets.
Also participating in the CAP program from Freestone County are Natalie Thompson and Caleb Knight.


Teaching a class on Land Navigation to junior members of the Navarro County Civil Air Patrol is Lance Kilkenny (far left) of Fairfield.