Fairfield High School senior, Ally Robinson (center), pauses after the event with her mother, Audra Robinson (left) and the school Counselor, Cindy Kirgan (right).
When the members of the Fairfield Post of Veterans of Foreign Wars met at Sam’s Restaurant on March 1, 2022, they hosted a dinner for this year’s winner of the Voice of Democracy contest for the local VFW Post. The Post Commander, Roger Brooke, introduced the meeting attendees to Ally Robinson, a senior at Fairfield High School. Ally read for her audience, an excellent essay that she had written on this year’s theme entitled “America: Where do we go from here?” Here words struck such patriotic and inspirational chords, that the audience was compelled to give her a standing ovation when she had finished.
As the winner of the Post level for Fairfield Post 5872, Ally’s entry will be forwarded to the District for competition with eight other Post winners at that level and hopefully on for the top spot at the State level. Our Post has every confidence and high hops for our Fairfield candidate’s success in advancing through these levels. High rewards are at stake. The Department of Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxiliaries presented scholarships last year totaling over $92,500 with the 1st Place winner receiving a $10,000 Scholarship from the Texas VFW Foundation.