The members of the Fairfield Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, were delighted to offer their highest commendations to Raeanna Burns, an eighth grade student of Dew Jr. High School. She competed in the Patriot Pen contest sponsored by the VFW, by writing on the topic “What Makes America Great”. Her essay was judged to be the best of 27 very good entries from the Dew school, and determined to surpass 42 other entries from Fairfield, Teague and Wortham schools. Accordingly, the Fairfield VFW Post forwarded Raeanna’s composition to the VFW District level where it came out ahead of all entries from seven other VFW Posts in the Freestone County area.

Raeanna and her proud parents, Nicholus and Michelle Burns were guests at the August meeting of the Fairfield VFW at Sam’s Restaurant. All VFW Post members were proud of Raeanna and of all youngsters who participated in the contest. All of them showed an uncommon level of patriotism and a high level of writing ability.

The Post hopes that its sponsorship of Patriot Pen contests for so many years in the past, may have provided some small incentive for these developments.

Raeanna Burns (center) receives certificate from District Commander, Christopher Davis (left) and Fairfield Post Jr. Vice Commander, Charles Morgan, (right). (Submitted Photo)