Fairfield Rotary Club donated $468 in miscellaneous camping and equipment to the Local Boy Scouts. $432 of the funds were awarded to the Local Rotary Club from the District DAP Grant fund.
Equipment included, fishing poles, bait box, flash lights, camping canopy, camping fire forks, cooler, backpacks, first aid kit, bow and arrows, baseball gloves, bat, baseball, and soccer ball.
Each year the Current Rotary President picks a local club or charity and presents it to the Club members. Once approved by the membership, the local charity or club gives a “wish list” to the Club and the District DAP grant funds awarded to the club is given and those “Wish List” items are purchased.

Fairfield Volunteer Fire Department joined in the presentation and brought a Fire Truck to show the kids. Volunteer Fireman, Rich Schaufert, gave a tour of the truck showing various equipment features of the truck. Enjoying the tour with the Rich are: Cole Harrup, Coleman Davidson and Harley Harrup.
(Submitted Photo)
Part of the DAP grant requirements is that the Rotary Club participate in an event to help the recipients.
This year Rotary Club President, James Tyus, and Rotarians Donna Tyus and Angela Oglesbee helped the Scouts clean their Club House.