by Chief Of Police David Utsey

Monday, Nov. 15th
12:40 PM-Officer Alexander on report of truck broke down in the roadway.
2:30 PM-Officer Alexander on welfare concern.
6:43 PM-Officer Hernandez on report of 911 call, all ok.
10:33 PM-Cpl. Price on report of wreck.

Tuesday, Nov. 16th
2:17 AM-Officer Hernandez on report of alarm going off.
7:16 AM-Officer Alexander on report of suspicious person.
1:54 PM-Officer Alexander on civil stand by.
10:05 PM-Cpl. Price on report of subject having mental issues.

Wednesday, Nov. 17th
1:13 PM-Officer Scarrow on report of minor wreck.
4:53 PM-Officer Alexander on report of minor wreck in parking lot.
6:30 PM-Officer Scarrow on report of truck broke down in the roadway.

Thursday, Nov. 18th
12:30 AM-Cpl. Markham on report of alarm going off.
4:45 AM-Cpl. Markham on report of business alarm, business was opening up.
11:20 AM-Officer Warren to meet a complainant on case of fraud.
4:40 PM-Officer Warren on report of minor wreck in parking lot.

Friday, Nov. 19th
1:01AM-Officer Scarrow on report of suspicious person.
2:02 AM-Officer Scarrow on report of reckless driver.
7:25 AM-Officer Alexander on report of alarm going off.
10:05 AM-Officer Alexander on report of cow out.
8:10 PM-Officer Hernandez assist county on disturbance.

Saturday, Nov. 20th
8:09 AM-Officer Alexander to PD to meet a complainant.