by Chief of Police David Utsey


Monday, July 22nd

6:45 AM-Officer Warren to meet a complainant over child custody.

8:30 AM-Officer Warren on report of verbal disturbance.

2:00 PM-Officer Warren on report of minor wreck.

2:01 PM-Officer Tinsley to PD to meet a complainant over lost property.

4:00 PM-Officer Warren and Tinsley on report of runaway, located and took back home.

7:28 PM-Cpl. Ashley assisted subject with a ride.

7:45 PM-Officer Tinsley on welfare concern.

8:30 PM-Officer Tinsley assist stranded motorist.


Tuesday, July 23rd

1:02 AM-Cpl. Ashley assisted a stranded motorist.

3:15 AM-Officer Silas on suspicious vehicle.

5:30 PM-Officer Warren on reported disturbance.

8:00 PM-Officer Tinsley assisted officer on traffic stop.


Wednesday, July 24th

8:30 AM-Officer Mills to meet a complainant over storage building being hit.

3:15 PM-Officer Mills and Scarrow to restaurant over verbal disturbance.

8:57 PM-Officer Beaver on report of dogs running at large.

9:29 PM-Officer Beaver and Scarrow on report of subject having mental issues.

11:37 PM-Officer Beaver on report of alarm going off.


Thursday, July 25th

2:55 PM-Officer Mills on report of alarm going off.

3:30 PM-Officer Mills on report subject selling items out of trunk of vehicle.


Friday, July 26th

8:00 AM-Officer Warren on report of minor wreck in parking lot.

1:00 PM-Officer Warren on report of door-to-door salesman.

11:16 PM-Cpl. Ashley on report of minor wreck in parking lot.


Saturday, July 27th

1:20 AM-Cpl. Ashley on suspicious subject walking in the roadway.

9:45 AM-Officer Warren to PD to meet a complainant.

11:15 AM-Officer Warren assist Fairfield EMS on medical emergency.

5:30 PM-Officer Warren on report of minor wreck.​

6:00 PM-Officer Warren on report of dog without food and water.

6:23 PM-Cpl. Ashley on report of 2 runaways, located.

7:57 PM-Cpl. Ashley on welfare concern.

9:24 PM-Cpl. Ashley on report of reckless driver.


Sunday, July 28th

1:09 AM-Cpl. Ashley on report on loud music.

6:55 AM-Cpl. Ashley on report of truck broken down in the roadway.

8:04 PM-Cpl. Ashley on report of rollover wreck.