Monday, Aug. 21
4:28 PM-Officer Palacios on reported disturbance.
5:20 PM-Officer Palacios on report of argument between neighbors, all was resolved.
Tuesday, Aug. 22
1:08 AM-Officer Gallegos on open door.
10:22 AM-Officer Palacios to PD to meet a complainant.
1:52 PM-Officer Palacios on minor wreck.
2:37 PM-Officer to speak to complainant.
9:16 PM-Officer Gallegos on suspicious subjects hanging around gas service station.
Wednesday, Aug. 23
4:25 AM-Officer Gallegos on report of missing property from residence.
2:00 PM-Officer Frasier to PD to meet a complainant.
6:35 PM-Officer Markham on report of dog running at large.
8:07 PM-Officer Markham and Weinmann on report of unwanted subject at location, subject was given a ride to another place.
11:42 PM-Officer Markham and Weinmann assist deputy with suspicious subjects.
Thursday, Aug. 24
3:00 PM-Officer Frasier, Sgt. Utsey and Chief Bulger assist with funeral escort.
3:39 PM-Officer Frasier on report of minor wreck.
8:42 PM-Officer Weinmann and Markham on report of possible drunk driver.
11:48 PM-Officer Weinmann and Markham on report of missing child, child located prior to officer arrival.
Friday, Aug. 25
8:54 AM-Officer Palacios on report of suspicious subject sitting close to the road.
8:27 PM-Officer Alexander and Gallegos to meet a complainant, possible under the influence.
9:36 PM-Officer Gallegos and Alexander on report of domestic disturbance, both subjects arrested.
11:54 PM-Officer Gallegos and Alexander on report of possible intoxicated subjects, both arrested for public intoxication.
Saturday, Aug. 26
1:08 AM-Officer Gallegos on report of suspicious subjects at dealership ended up being employees.
12:20 PM-Officer Palacios, Sgt. Utsey and Deputy assist on funeral escort.
5:41 PM-Officer Alexander to Motel on disturbance.
6:19 PM-Officer Alexander on report of reckless driver.
Sunday, Aug. 27
6:50 AM-Officer Palacios and Sgt. Utsey on suspicious subject knocking on door.
9:38 AM-Sgt. Utsey on report of suspicious subject running out in front of cars, was unable to locate.
12:05 PM-Officer Palacios on report of domestic disturbance.