Each year, Fairfield ISD applies for a federally funded grant, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated Grant. These grants are commonly referred to as Title funds.

As part of the application process, the school holds a public meeting to answer stakeholders’ questions and receive feedback regarding the intended use of our grant funding.

This year, the board met on July 29, 2024, for this special public hearing.

Some of the key objectives for this specific grant include improving instruction, teacher professional development, teacher retention, supporting leadership development, and parent / family engagement.

In the process, the district will apply, and upon approval, the funds become available to support the goals of the grant.

Funding is limited to the federal tax dollars, and therefore there are no additional state or local costs to taxpayers.

Funds requested this year by FISD include:

Title I: Personnel – Instructional Coaches, Dyslexia Teachers & Interventionists, Support Staff, as well as Supplies & Materials – Progress Monitoring & Intervention Software, Supplemental Instructional Materials, Classroom Supplies to Support Learning

Title II: Professional Development, as well as Personnel – Percentage of Instructional Coach for FHS

Title III: Shared Service Arrangement with ESC 12 – Language Acquisition & Support

Title IV: Transfer and use as Title I funds

For more comprehensive information regarding the ESSA Consolidate Grant, visit https://tealprod.tea.state.tx.us/GrantOpportunities/forms/GrantProgramSearch.aspx?grantID=3470.