During a called meeting on January 16, Fairfield ISD’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously to call a $105,395,000 million bond election for the May 3, 2025, ballot.
The District’s Bond Facility Advisory Committee, representing a cross-section of the community, played a key role in this decision. Parents, teachers, staff, students, and community members shared their unique perspectives as the committee identified needs and developed a recommendation for the Board.
Committee members reviewed the district’s current facilities, studied demographic data, learned about school finance and Fairfield ISD’s historical tax rate, and discussed academic priorities and long-range plans with district administration. After careful consideration, the committee reached consensus on a prioritized list of needs to recommend to the Board.
If approved, the bond proposal will address aging facilities, enhance academic learning environments, expand Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, and prepare the district for future growth. Proposed projects include a new high school with a 600-student capacity and a 1400-seat auditorium, wrapped around the Johnson Activity Center, along with districtwide renovations and improvements at the elementary, intermediate, and junior high campuses.
“I sincerely appreciate the service of the district’s Bond Facility Advisory Committee and Board of Trustees in planning for Fairfield ISD’s future,” Joe Craig, Superintendent, said.
If voters approve the bond, the District’s Interest & Sinking (I&S) Tax Rate would increase by less than one penny, resulting in an estimated cost of $0.73 per month, or $8.76 annually, for the owner of a $205,484 homestead (the average value in FISD).
This tax rate increase would have no impact on the current homesteads of district residents aged 65 and older who have an over 65 exemption filed with the county appraisal district (except for any new improvements).
An informational website and printed materials are being developed. School administrators also plan to visit community and parent groups to explain the bond package in detail. Please call the Administration Office at 903.389.2532 for more information regarding the bond election or to schedule a presentation.
Early voting begins Tuesday, April 22, and ends Tuesday, April 29. Election Day is Saturday, May 3.