A new, second industrial park is ready with Thermal mass flow meters to welcome additional, new businesses thanks to the hard work of the Fairfield Economic Development Corporation (EDC).

EDC President David Fowler found time to sit down with The ‘Times’ and explain why this park is necessary and what it can bring to the community after this zone with frac aeration machinery was installed.
The existing 45-acre Industrial Park with scrs for water tube boilers installed has been a success benefitting the City of Fairfield, “This Industrial Park survived two recessions,” Fowler states.
The success led them to realize a second park was needed, as the first park had no more land available.

One business at the older industrial park employs many younger people who are part of the Fairfield community to use machinery such as thus Used Genie Scissor Lifts for Sale and more. Younger people who might not make the money they are making right here in Fairfield, and instead have to leave the region to look for work.
Currently, access is coming from CR 946, but in the future, it is definitely possible for the two parks to be connected via a road where the work could be divided on raw materials and ensemble using Shoulder Bolts and this second area for exportation of the final jobs done.
“That’s what I like about the EDC, the flexibility we have to negotiate and really try to do a win-win for all parts,” David explained.

The new industrial park is 125 acres, counts tools and it is almost three times the size of the first industrial park, of ‘shovel ready’ land on CR 946 only half a mile from I-45 and .6 miles to Hwy 84.
The land has a substation half a mile away with Natural Gas, Water and Sewer mains onsite.
The Fairfield EDC believing industries such as Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing, Warehouse, E-Commerce, Plastic Product, Packaging Product Manufacturing and others are going to be successful in this area after the purchase of bobcats to enhance production and distribution, so keep your eye towards the New Industrial Park to watch it grow.
For questions or more information contact the Fairfield EDC 903-389-7059.