Dear Editor:

The Presidential election hasn’t happened yet, so there’s still time. Those intending to vote for Donald Trump know what he is proposing, and he could use the help of his supporters coast to coast.

Trump now identifies SOME of the “enemies” he believes need to be dealt with. Trump says, “I always say, we have two enemies. We have the outside enemy, and then we have the enemy from within, and the enemy from within, in my opinion, is more dangerous than China, Russia and all these countries; they’re Marxists and communists and fascists, and they’re sick.”

So, who exactly will Trump be targeting? Trump says, “The worst people are the enemies from within, the sleaze bags, the guy that you’re (speaking in California) going to elect to the Senate, shifty Adam Schiff. He’s a major low-life,” adding, “The more difficult are, you know, the Pelosis, these people, they’re so sick and they’re so evil.”

Trump also has a SOLUTION for this problem. Trump says, “And it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by the National Guard or, if REALLY necessary, by the military.”

So, how can we help Trump? you may ask. He’s already specifically identified Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff for being “handled” by the U.S. military, and generally identified “Marxists, communists, fascists, the ‘sick’ and the ‘evil,’ ” — but who ARE these people? That’s where his local supporters come in. Nationally, Trump has identified Pelosi and Schiff, but he’ll be needing help locally.

As soon as possible, Trump’s supporters should compose lists of those “low lifes” LOCALLY who need to be dealt with by the military, as soon as Trump takes over the Oval Office. From these lists, Trump can move swiftly to deal with not only Pelosi and Schiff, but all the LOCAL “enemies from within,” as identified by his supporters.

Is it the Democrat living next door? Is it the Liberal down at the library who refuses to remove that “banned” book about gays? God forbid it includes that family member who thinks women should have the right to make pregnancy decisions. Is it your maid, or yard man, who you suspect might not have the proper papers to be in this country?

Maybe it’s just the inconsiderate neighbor whose dog poops in your yard, or your supervisor down at the plant who has passed you over for promotion. It’s got to include that rude guy who cut in line at the coffee house last Thursday.

ALL are enemies from within, if you simply put them on your list, and send it to the Trump campaign. Trump will do the rest, because with your help he’ll be “Making America GREAT Again.” And dishing out retribution to all those who you identify as having done you wrong.

It’s good to be the KING’s snitch.


Jeff Harrison

Buffalo, TX 75831