Applications are now open for the 2024 Family Land Heritage Ceremony

Last week, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller proudly invites Texas farmers and ranchers to apply for recognition at the Texas Department of Agriculture’s (TDA) annual Family Land Heritage Ceremony (FLH). This year marks the 50th anniversary of FLH, a significant milestone for TDA. Since 1974, TDA has hosted a ceremony at the Texas State Capitol to celebrate the families who have passed down their proud Texas legacy from generation to generation, and who continue to inspire Texans with their commitment and endurance. This program pays tribute to families who have kept their land in continuous agricultural production for at least one hundred years. TDA requests that qualified families submit their applications for recognition in the 2024 FLH ceremony by Friday, May 31, 2024.

“The agricultural heritage built by countless generations of Texas farmers and ranchers embodies a rich tapestry of traditions, values, and hard work, all of which have shaped our great state,” Commissioner Miller said. “TDA’s Family Land Heritage program is a testament to their resilience. This remarkable milestone honors those families who have left a valuable impact on agriculture in Texas for half a century and beyond.”

Eligible farms and ranches must be owned and operated by the descendants of the founder either through blood, marriage, or adoption. The land must also fit the old U.S. Census definition of a farm. At least ten acres of the land must have been in continuous agricultural production for the past one hundred years or more with agricultural sales of $50 or more a year.

“I encourage those who are eligible to apply for the 50th Annual Family Land Heritage ceremony,” Commissioner Miller said. “Farming and ranching isn’t for the faint of heart; there is a great deal of hard work and sacrifice. As a longtime rancher myself, I am proud to pay tribute to the men and women who nurture our land and continue to keep their family legacy in Texas agriculture going.”

This fall, Commissioner Miller will honor farms and ranches established in 1924 or earlier at the 2024 FLH ceremony at the Texas Capitol. For those interested in applying for recognition in the 2024 Family Land Heritage program, please visit online at

Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, no taxpayer dollars are used for the Family Land Heritage event. If you would like to be a sponsor of the upcoming 50th Family Land Heritage event, please download a Sponsorship Donation Form.

For more information on the Family Land Heritage program, please visit online at