A letter to the Editor was received last week; but did not meet our minimum requirements for publication. It is our policy that letters must be signed and include hometown/state.

The letter addressed issues surrounding news coverage of citizen complaints heard by Wortham City Council, and the recent retirement of their police chief.

Wortham Council and Streetman Commissioners were scheduled for a joint meeting as The ‘Times’ went to press on Monday evening, August 26, 2024.

Readers can expect a report to follow on any subsequent action taken by the two cities concerning law enforcement coverage.

Here are the requirements for letters to the Editor to be published in the Freestone County Times:


Must include first and last name of the person submitting the letter.

Letters submitted by a group are acceptable; but must list everyone’s first and last name.

While organizations do not need to list every member’s name, they must include the official name of the organization and the first and last name of the leader (president, chairman, pastor, etc.) submitting the letter on the organization’s behalf.

Businesses must include the first and last name of the owner, manager or CEO in addition to their company name.

–Mailing Address

We do request a complete mailing address for our records.

Only the hometown and city/state will be published with your letter.

–Contact Info (email or phone)

In case the Editor has a question or concern.

Email addresses and phone numbers will not be published, unless they are included in the body of the letter itself.

If you have any questions about our editorial policy, please reach out to Editor Karen Leidy at 903-389-6397 or via email to ads@freestonecountytimes.com