The Dew Bulldog Track team did exceptionally well in district this year bringing home 4 medals and 6 ribbons. The girls placed 5th as a team.
In district, the 7th and 8th graders competed together which means that any 7th grader had to beat out 8th graders to place. Everyone did a great job.

Lyndi Lane (8) placed 3rd in the 300-meter hurdles. Rebecca Coker (7) placed 4th in the 100-meter dash and 5th in the 200-meter dash.

Emily Cavin (7) placed 1st in the high jump with a height of 4’8” which was 8” higher than 2nd place. Emma Adams (8) placed 2nd in both shot put and discus.

JW Jackson (7) placed 4th in the 200-meter dash. TJ Jordan (7) placed 4th in the 100-meter dash. Kaden Adams (7) placed 4th in the 110-meter hurdles and Mason Wright (8) placed 5th in the 300-meter hurdles.

In boys’ high jump, Mason Wright (8) finished 3rd and Kaden Adams (7) placed 5th.

The Dew track team members are (Back Row, l-r): Trinity Lehman, Kaden Adams, Gaspar Spurling, Waylon Johnson, Mason Wright, and Emma Adams (Middle Row, l-r): Sophia Neal, Emily Cavin, JW Jackson, Rebecca Coker, and TJ Jordan (Front Row, l-r): William Pierce, Lyndi Lane, and Devin Si.

(Photo submitted)