On Friday, March 23, the Dew Bulldogs participated in the Leon Junior High track meet.

Of the 16 students participating, 7 medals and 6 additional placings were won. Several kids competed in multiple events.

The 7th grade girls won 4 medals. Emily Cavin placed 1st in high jump, 3rd in 300m hurdles, and 4th in the 100m dash. Rebecca Coker placed 2nd in the 200m dash, 3rd in the 100m dash, and 6th in long jump.

Lyndi Lane won the only medal for the 8th grade girls by placing 3rd in the 300m hurdles.

The 7th grade boys won 2 medals. Kaden Adams placed 2nd in the 300m hurdles and 5th in high jump. Trampas Jordan placed 2nd in the 100m dash and JW Jackson placed 5th in both the 100m dash and the 200m dash.

Gaspar Spurling was the only 8th grade boy to place. He placed 6th in discus.

Pictured are the medal winners. Left to Right: Trampas Jordan, Emily Cavin, Kaden Adams, Rebecca Coker, Lyndi Lane.

(Photo submitted)