Dear Editor,

A Celebration of Public Education will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2018 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. in Houston, Texas.

I want to GO and I want you to go with me!

They want 10,000 people in PURPLE to show up to stand up for PUBLIC education!  I’m looking for school employees both active and retired…..teachers, administrators, librarians, cafeteria workers, bus people, and anyone that gets a pension from TRS to commit to spending one day with me on a chartered bus to Houston to stand up and be counted as a supporter of public education.

We want to let the world know we are organized and ready to fight for our right to the healthcare and retirement annuity we were promised when we started out career in public education.

We have done our jobs, paid into our retirement every month, taught, loved and cared for our students, followed the states rules and now they want to change the rules and not follow through with their duty as stated in the Texas Constitution.

I want parents and grandparents to go with us because we are fighting for your schools, your children’s schools and your grandchild’s schools for their future!

In a preliminary investigations of the cost of a coach to Houston for the day is $2,292 and $3,056. A bus holds about 56 passengers.

I’m looking for a sponsor or sponsors to help with the cost of the bus and I’m looking for people to commit to go and pay their part.

It is understood that many people already have plans, obligations, or health issues that prevent them from traveling with us.

Saying that…..  There are a lot of us!!

We can fill a bus if everyone commits to step up for Public Education….

Active teachers: you will want to retire some day and have your annuity safe to live on and be able to have affordable healthcare when you need it.

Retired teachers: We have been hit hard on healthcare and are in peril on what the Legislators will do to the future of our retirement money.

Our public schools: Too many legislators want to privatize our public schools and make money off of your children.

We have been silent for too long.

We need to show the unity of all Parents and Education Organizations.

Showing up in the Houston Greens in a MASS of PURPLE will show numbers. Numbers get the attention.

Let’s send a message that we are keeping up with what they are doing.   Let’s show them that we care about keeping Public Education as it is stated in out Texas Constitution!

Please say yes to Education! Commit to come and ride the bus or donate to support those standing up for you!

Wear PURPLE, bring a lawn chair if you need it.  A bus will be able to drop us relatively close instead of a long walk from public parking.

Email me at or call 903-388-0950, if I can count on you!

FCRT are also selling PURPLE Pro Education signs. Get your name on my list!  Spread PURPLE across our communities. Stand up for Public Education!

Alicia Smith
Freestone County Retired Teachers