An Open Letter

It increasingly seems that D.C. has become Fantasy Island in America. Plain English is inverted into opposite meanings for political gain: arson & looting deemed peaceful protests, the riot at the Capitol was labeled insurrection, etc. The American people see and are not deceived.
The current administration appears determined to “stay the course” despite repeated proofs that mainstream America does not buy their disinformation.

In the summer of 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made a momentous address at the Washington Monument; it was his unforgettable “I have a dream.” speech in which he hoped for a color-blind America. His noble wish has been trashed, surprisingly, by ultra-leftist radicals trying to hijack the Democratic Party; they have almost succeeded. As a presidential candidate, Biden promised to name a woman of color for his running mate; he did, and see what happened: Ms. Harris recently suggested that the solution to unwanted immigration would be for the U.S. to invest in certain countries so that their people would not want to come here!

This past week Biden promised to nominate for the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court vacancy…a woman of color. At a single stroke, both times he ignored all qualified male (white and black) for the office as well as all non-color women potential candidates. What about merit?

Qualifications? Experience? Wisdom?

This clueless, professional politician seems closer to race pimps like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and Marion Barry than to Dr. King, Lincoln, FDR, or Truman.

In order to save our country, the Republican National Committee must select an ELECTABLE presidential candidate and RUN him NOW.

We must retake the Congress next year, elect a grounded conservative in ’24 and get the country back to rights. The alternative is the twilight of America as we have grown up with and enjoyed.

God bless America!

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas