Dear Editor,
The article in The ‘Times’ on 12/9 from Mark P. Palmquist on Global Warming was excellent.
My additional take is this: Recycling is crucial.
Channel 5 (NBC) did a story last week of bits of plastic being found in our food and water, and we are INGESTING them.
Now gee; you don’t have to be a scientist to understand what that can do to the human body. Not only ours, but animals as well. Trash on the roads, streets, highways, and ditches is absolutely up to US to prevent.
Animals – Birds – Fish = Deadly
My biggest gripe are…BALLOONS!
Do you think for ONE SECOND that when you release them into the air (funerals, weddings, parades, etc.) that they go into OUTER SPACE?
When they reach a certain altitude, the air is compressed out of them and they drop back down into fields, crops, trees, ponds, lakes, streams, and oceans.
Did you know that between Virginia and Cuba that 200 MILLION POUNDS of plastic per year go into the ocean?
OR that there is an island of trash in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California that is 600,000 square miles? That is twice the size of Texas.
There are plenty of recycle locations just here in Fairfield. USE THEM.
Nanette Piotrowski
Fairfield, Texas