Dear Editor

1876 was a momentous year in many ways: electric lights had been perfected, Reconstruction was behind us, the Little Big Horn Indian massacre of General Custer had just happened, and Fairfield, Texas, was 25 years old. It boasted maybe 50 hardy families.

I came here as a week-ender in 1979 to a town with approximately 2,900 souls; 40 years later and with 15 years as a permanent resident, the population might be 4,500 . . . on a stretch. In 1980 Fairfield as county seat was 20 years ahead of Buffalo.

Now, county seat or not, Buffalo is on par and growing. It is noteworthy to remember that Centerville (also a county seat) almost has grass growing in the streets. Without vigorous effort and change at the city and county levels, we are on the path toward becoming another Streetman. Strong leadership is needed where it has been lacking.

People, including myself, don’t like change, but dinosaurs became extinct because they could not adapt. We need a new vision for the future, including an Economic Development Corporation that will bring businesses, families, jobs, money, and a growing tax base to Fairfield. The objective would be growth/prosperity/jobs.

I am an old man but thank God not senile; I see a sad trend and a viable solution. If you recognize the trend and agree, act strongly. Things change only when people make them change.


El Sellers

Fairfield, Texas