Dear Editor,

Gunfight at the OK Corral 2020

About 2:30 on the afternoon of October 26, 1881, a deadly gunfight took place in Tombstone, Arizona, between law enforcement officers and a criminal element of rustlers and thieves. The legal peace officers were Wyatt Earp and his brothers plus a deputized Doc Holliday. The criminals were comprised of the Clantons, McLaury brothers, and Billy Claiborne; they self-described themselves as “the Cowboys.”

When the smoke cleared, the McLaurys and Billy Clanton were dead. None of the lawmen died. Frontier justice was done and order restored.

Battle lines, hopefully figurative, are now drawn just as clearly in America as they were in Tombstone then. The two opposing factions today are just as identifiable today as then: genuine, constitutional government with law & order, American traditional family values vs anarchy, socialism, street violence falsely termed “protests”, and a welfare state funded by increasingly higher taxes on the middle class.

Republican doctrine offers equal opportunity, not racial set-asides and preferences; law & order, not arson and theft posing as protests; military strength, not appeasement; less government interference in personal lives, not more regulation; etc.

The leftist democrats promote these patently un-American constructs:

Antifa – violent thugs

The 1619 hoax that says America was established based on slavery
Political Correctness – a contradiction in terms!

Cancel Culture adherents who denigrate George Washington and even Abraham Lincoln, tearing down monuments to them
The thesis that liberals are the “woke” generation and the rest of us are unenlightened . . . “deplorables?”

That socialism is better than free enterprise capitalism despite the undeniable truth that socialism has never worked anywhere
This election is as pivotal as the 1860 one that chose Lincoln and instigated the Civil War (South Carolina had previously promised to secede if Lincoln were elected). We are at just such a crossroad today. The Civil War solved the slavery issue; I pray it will not come in the future to solve the socialism one.

God bless America.

El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas