Dear Editor,

For a number of years now I have been collecting interesting information from here and there and storing same for some future use. I write under a pen name – Max America.

In going through some of my stuff I ran across the encluosed piece from a book I read in 2019. I don’t know how strict the writing and printing community is re-garding re-printing things from other sources like this but you may be able to use it – maybe not. There is no attempt towards profit with this effort but merely to nlighten the public concerning America’s present efforts to at least partially control our border with Mexico. I found this quite interesting, that they, Mexico did the same thing many years ago.

Terry Lancaster
Teague, Texas


From the book The Texas Ranger by Walter Prescott Webb
p. 10
“The movement of Americans to Texas was greatly accelerated when, in 1825, Mexico passed a general colonization law designed to encourage foreign emigration. By 1830 the American population of Texas numbered thirty thousand; it was larger than the population of Mexicans and Indians combined.
Mexico became alarmed at this rapid influx of Americans and in 1830, passed a law closing the door which had, five years before, been so generously opened to foreigners. It was not without cause that Mexico did this, for the Americans had been both turbulent and troublesome.”

June 10, 2019 Max America