Dear Editor,
The next approximately 75 days will likely determine whether or not this country will survive as the America we have grown up in and enjoyed or will dissolve into a San Francisco/Seattle/Minneapolis mess. The Democratic National Committee’s selection of Ms. Harris as Joe Biden’s VP (he had little if any say in it) confirmed the party’s takeover by the socialist radicals. They are hell-bent on reinventing America through the lens of political correctness, victimhood, entitlement, social/sexual conformity, etc. – all to be paid for by middle-America’s working, tax-paying middle class.
In 1925 Adolph Hitler published Mein Kampf, his manifesto, in which he stated plainly what he would do if in power. Most responsible Germans took it with a grain of salt; then they lost their country and 3 million dead soldiers as well as millions the government killed before and during the war. Americans should believe what these liberals are saying because they mean to do what they say [it keeps them reelected and fat].
The liberal manifesto is not difficult for rational people to understand. For brevity’s sake here, it promises:
Transforming the economy so as to redistribute the wealth
Every human need to become a “right” and paid for by taxes – health care for all residents (not just citizens), housing, education, food allowances, etc.
Seriously diminished law and order, e.g., defund the police departments!
Effectively eliminating the oil and gas industries within 20 years – the Green New Deal
Opening the borders to mostly anyone wishing to come, be he contributor or beneficiary of tax-paid benefits of living in America. Should such a mass be granted the vote, the result is easy to imagine – they would vote democrat.
If you believe that such an agenda suits your needs and the future needs of your children, you likely concur that same-sex marriage is fine, sex/gender is a matter of personal choice instead of anatomy, 55% income tax for working families is worth the bloated government required to administer the mess to be endured.
But, if you disagree and want to keep America free and strong, don’t fall for the Biden/Harris b.s. Keep our proudly non-politician president 75 days from now.
God bless America.
El Sellers
Fairfield, Texas