Dear Editor,

  As we enter November, it is prudent to remember that in 12 months we will hold the most far-reaching presidential election since the end of the second world war. The democrats have still not gotten over losing the white house in 2016 and continue to viciously attack the president with liberal judges’ (usually from California of course) injunctions in vain attempts to subvert the government.

  First they claimed “Russian collusion” in the election process; no collusion was found, even by the liberal Mueller’s two-year investigation. Then they claimed “obstruction of justice” – also without any factual basis. Now their big push to impeach is tied to a bogus claim of an underhanded quid pro quo deal of delaying financial foreign aid to Ukraine in exchange for Ukrainian investigating of Joe Biden’s son for receiving $50,000 per month to sit on a Ukrainian firm’s board of directors despite having absolutely no qualifications for such a position. Are Americans supposed to think that Biden senior, Vice-president of the U.S., was unaware of this or was not to benefit from it? But this is not the point here.

  The point is that, financial corruption aside, quid pro quo is not a dirty expression. If one party gives money to another, it is fair and reasonable to expect some consideration in return. That is fair and not dishonest. FDR’s Lend Lease gifts to England and Russia prior to USA entry into the war is a good example. The fake outrage from the liberal left seems to have overlooked Hillary Clinton’s $700,000 “speaker’s fee” for three canned speeches, never delivered but paid for by Goldman-Sachs. Where was the howling then at patently clear influence-peddling?

  This new accusation and the upcoming House impeachment will blow up in the democrats’ faces; the Senate will not convict the president for acting within his authority, and God willing, American voters will reject democrats’  Venezuelan socialism and return the president to the White House next November.

  God bless America

El Sellers

Fairfield, Texas