tau_nov_meeting_113016Tau Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met for the November regular meeting at Gibbs Library with a short business meeting conducted by President Anna Pat Alpert. The treasurer’s report was accepted as printed and the minutes were tabled until December. Mrs. Pat McGee was voted on to become a new member of Tau.
Mrs. Sharon Kersten, from Creekside Christian Retreat, presented the program. After their two granddaughters were diagnosed with autism, the Kersten’s decided to use their property in Limestone County as a Christian resource for families with disabled children.
Mrs. Kersten said the Transition Academy was created two years ago and is available to young people after high school graduation. Classes are held two days a week from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The school is full at this time and there is a waiting list. The academy offers educational programs including art, science, math and reading and the therapeutic programs are designed to be fun.
The goal at Creekside is to provide young adults with special needs to become contributing citizens and allowing them the opportunity to live productive lives to the fullest. The classes give students the opportunity to learn independent living skills such as banking, paying bills, laundry, cooking, cleaning and etc.
There are many donation opportunities, stated Mrs. Kersten, to support this non-profit organization to help young adults with disabilities reach their full potential such as the building fund (workshop), transportation fund, greenhouse fund, operating expenses such as utilities, commercial liability insurance, animal feed, building maintenance, vet bills and office  supplies.
Since September 1, 2016, two Tau members, Margaret Day and Martha Kirgan have provided 98 hours of volunteer classroom teaching.
The meeting adjourned with the singing of the Delta Kappa Gamma Song.       
The next meeting will be December 10 at 5:00 p.m. for the Christmas Party and Silent Auction at the Farm House in Mexia.