“Again, our office has worked hard in honoring our oath to protect and serve the citizens of Freestone County,” says Sheriff Jeremy Shipley. “I believe our last two years statistics overwhelmingly prove that. We continue to receive great support from our citizens and believe that is the truest since of the accomplishments and strides our office has made.”

Summary of statistics for 2018 are as follows:

–FCSO Dispatchers handled 12,450 total calls for service involving FCSO, Teague PD, Fairfield PD, Wortham PD, DPS, Fire Departments, and EMS

–FCSO Dispatchers received 16,727 total Emergency 911 Calls

–FCSO Deputies completed 433 written reports, 160 for which are considered Major Crimes by the stat that consists of Homicide, Rape, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Theft, and Vehicle Theft

–Of the 160 Major Crimes reported, 84 were closed (53%)

–FCSO Deputies made 454 arrests

–FCSO Deputies initiated 546 traffic stops

–FCSO received 928 Civil Papers and successfully served 644

–FCSO Jailers booked-in a total of 800 subjects and booked-out 821 subjects

–FCSO’s Jail population averaged 28 inmates per day while the average of housed out-of-county inmates was at 31 per day

Last year, Freestone County’s Major Crime Rate was down 21% from the previous four years and this year we remained at the same percentage.

The closed case rate, however, rose to 53% from last year’s 49%. The State of Texas average percent of closed cases is 21%.

The men and women of Freestone County Sheriff’s Office have continued to carry out their duties with the citizens of our county being number one in mind.

“We are very pleased with these numbers,” says Sheriff Shipley. “We hope our citizens feel safer and more secure knowing the hard work being put in by their Sheriff’s Office. We look forward to 2019 and continuing to serve Freestone County to the best of our ability.”