Two Freestone County 4-H members, Raegan Emmons (below) & Rachel Lewis (above), have been selected as Texas 4-H Livestock Ambassadors.
Through an application process, 75 youth are chosen to participate in rigorous college-level animal science curriculum.

Held at Texas Tech University in conjunction with West Texas A&M, Texas A&M University, and Texas A&M University Kingsville. Livestock Ambassadors are required to commit at least 40 hours of service annually.
Ambassadors conduct educational livestock project clinics, speak to civic groups, assist with livestock shows, and advocate for livestock and agriculture across Texas.
Advocacy is the common thread running through the entire Ambassador experience. Skilled communicators share research backed information locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
Ambassadors are charged with seeking and creating animal agriculture advocacy engagements through civic clubs, radio stations, newspapers, television, social media, grocery stores, major livestock shows and elected official interactions.
Ambassadors recognize the critical need to share the non-fictional story of youth livestock programs and the positive impact of animal agriculture worldwide with people several generations removed from the farm.
Congratulations, to these two young ladies!