The Fairfield community responded to a call for help with a large Bake Sale held at Brookshire Brothers on Saturday, January 29, 2022.

Spearheaded by cashier Lisa Underhill (middle), the effort raised money for the family of baby Freya (picture) who is healing from a kidney removal and undergoing chemotherapy.

“My customer, Ashley Whitson and Jonathan’s 10-month-old daughter, Freya, got the worst cancer diagnosis a parent could hear,” said Lisa.

The bake sale was quickly organized to provide some immediate relief for the family.

Also with Lisa at the event was Susie Hicks and Brigitte Adkins.

As soon as word got out, folks began baking, and by the end of the afternoon, just over $2,000 was raised.

If you missed an opportunity, and would still like to assist, donations may be sent to Ashley Whitsom, P.O. Box 277, Fairfield, Texas 75840.
Baby Freya currently travels to a children’s hospital in Houston, two times a week.

“Thank you,” said Lisa. “Let’s pray for this family.”

(Photo by Natalia V. Marsters)