You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch! Well, at least people like to say so, but luckily for us he sat down and gave Freestone County Times an interview.

The “Times”: Thank you for agreeing to the interview Mr. Grinch, what made you agree to meet up to talk about Christmas?

GRINCH: Christmas? BLECH! Who said we were going to talk about Christmas! Disgusting. We are here to talk about something far more exciting and interesting. ME.

The “Times”: Oh of course Mr. Grinch! You really do hate Christmas I see, is that accuate?

GRINCH: No no, I just LOVE Christmas! LOVE IT! All thanks to that Cindy Lou. (The Grinch then knocked a Christmas tree over and smiled when an ornament broke.)

The “Times”: Really?? So Cindy Lou Who really did get through to you and made your heart two sizes bigger and everything?

GRINCH: No. I looooaatthhheee Christmas. Repungnant.

The “Times”: I see, so what about your heart, what was it like being two sizes too small? Did it hurt?

GRINCH: Hurt? HAH! The only thing that hurt me was that horrible singing those stupid who’s do every single year for Christmas.

The “Times”: Did the Grinch steal Christmas? You can tell me…. And the whole world.

GRINCH: OF COURSE I DID!!!!!! I took everything, but then that Cindy Lou Who, making my heart grow, which so you know THAT hurts. I gave it back, but I stole it first!!!!!

The “Times”: So, are you a who? What are you if not a who?

GRINCH: DISGUSTING! I am in no way one of those nasty, disgusting, Christmas loving weirdos! I am me, that is what I am.

The “Times”: Where is Whoville?

GRINCH: Okay, close your eyes… Hear all that Christmas music and bells and joyous sounds? Yes? THERE IS WHOVILLE!!! MAKE THEM SHUT UP THAT MUSIC!

The “Times”: So Mr. Grinch, What do you think of the year 2020?

GRINCH: I love trash, garbage, things that are disgusting. I loathe the sound of Christmas and all their annoying songs. You know what is worse than that though, what singular thing scares even me? The year 2020 and how crazy it has gone.

There you have it, a rather interesting interview with Mr. Grinch himself.