The Freestone County Child Protective Services Board has been working for several months to make sure that the foster children in Freestone County have a very merry Christmas!

With the help of donations from our generous County, the beautiful handmade stockings by Martha Kirgan, and the stuffed animals from Scentsy consultant Jessica Long, we believe the children will be very happy indeed!

The Board’s mission is to provide financial support throughout the year for the needs of foster children and families involved with the Child Protective Services (CPS) System in Freestone County. It is our goal to educate the communities in Freestone County about issues regarding child abuse and neglect that are ongoing in our county.

For more information, please contact Katherine Jackson at 972-965-4296 or leave a message on the Freestone County CPS Board Facebook page.

CPS Board members: Katherine Jackson-Chairman, Cheryl Evans-Vice Chairman, Lovie Whyte-Treasurer, Amie Mullen-Secretary, Pam Barnes, Jeannie Keeney, Beth Smith, Rhonda Treece, Krystal Walker.


Pictured at top:  Sorting through this year’s Christmas presents for Freestone County’s foster children are (left-right): Kelton Connor, Lovie Whyte, Cheryl Evans, Krystal Walker, Katherine Jackson, Administrator Patti Johnson, Stacie Jones, Rhonda Young – caseworker, and Jeannie Keeney. (Photo by Karen Leidy)