by MSSLC Chaplain Karen Hulsey

Many years ago I took a class on our campus, regarding writing observation notes in the charts of our residents. Our instructor was the late Charles Kenyon. He instructed us to be aware at all times what surrounds us and take note of what you see and hear that might need to be documented later. But before these instructions were given, he told us to get a piece of paper and pen out and “observe” several pictures on a slide show he had prepared. (This was long before Power points came along.) And the slide show began, there were 20 pictures of fences, barns and a lovely picture of red roses growing through a barbed wire fence. The beautiful roses were blooming and went down a long way on the fence line. The beautiful roses got my attention because of how the flowers were blooming so beautifully in contrast to the barbed wire. On our pieces of paper we were told to put a check by the scenes that looked familiar to us and an x by those we had never seen before. Again, the class of observation being on my mind made me study each picture and the details.
By the time the pictures were completed, I had very few checks on my list. And others shared they were only a few they recognized also. Mr. Kenyon began to play them back one by one to the class, but this time enlarged to show the complete area. I was most interested in where the roses and the fence was located. I cannot explain the looks on the our faces as we began to realize.. not only did we know this area but we had to pass by most every one of the scenes on our way to work every single day! Highway 171 in both directions were the places these beautiful pictures were taken. So, I was truly shocked to know the roses were in plain sight for me to have seen on my way to work.
Even at close to 20 years later, I remember this example of observation, but often I fail the test still. I take for granted so many things around me. Like my healthy grandchild, financial provisions for my needs and etc. I pray we began to see more clearly our blessings in this life. We certainly see the negative parts and complain about them. But let us see the good things like the roses right in our path of life, let us stop and observe our blessings.