Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, McLennan County along with multiple county extension committees will host the 14th Annual Small Grain Field Day on Thursday, April 14th near McGregor.

There are 14 Hard Red Winter varieties planted right off Highway 84. We will start in the field of Kevin Huffman which is located 1.8 miles east of McGregor on the north side of Highway 84.

Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. and breakfast will be provided.

Participants will take a walking tour of the varieties and topics will include:

–the Characteristics of Each Variety Entered,

–a Small Grain Insect Scouting Report on Insects and Diseases,

–the Agricultural Commodities and Current Factors Affecting Markets, and

–a Discussion of the Various Types of Fertilizer Mixes and what is Affecting Current Fertilizer Prices.

This program will offer 2 TDA CEU’s and 3 Certified Crop Advisor Credits.

Registration fee is $10.00 and that includes a Steak Tenderloin lunch.

Please RSVP before April 10th by calling our office at (254)757-5180 or email candace.chapman@ag.tamu.edu.