

Say you’re running for office, and say you’re in the thick of a tight campaign. You are asked by Gold Star Americans … loved ones of a military person who lost his or her life in defense of the United States and her Constitution … to accompany them to pay respects at the gravesite. They want you along, because they are big supporters of your candidacy.


What do you do? Here’s a QUIZ:

___ You politely refuse, because it’s an intensely private and personal matter.

___ You agree, on the condition that there will be no publicity.

___ You agree, but only if the focus remains on the fallen, and their sacrifice.

___ You agree, and alert your campaign team that here’s a perfect opportunity to stage a photo-op with citizens who actually served in the military, and to blame your political opponent for their deaths.


Once you arrive, you’re told that federal law prohibits campaign activities, or anything to defile the solemnity of this cemetery of heroes. What do you do?

___ Apologize for attempting to turn the visit into a campaign photo-op.

___ Apologize to the family of the fallen, for trying to make the occasion about YOU, rather than their fallen loved one(s).

___ Send your entourage back to their vehicles, and proceed with proper dignity and humility to show support for the fallen’s family, and honor for their hero.

___ Verbally abuse and physically shove the cemetery’s caretaker aside, and push forward to make your campaign ad.


At the graveside, what do you do?

___ Respect the fallen, and contemplate that they gave the last full measure of devotion.

___ Although you’re there for a specific person, show respect for the thousands of others who are laid to rest there.

___ Set aside partisanship; this is a time for reflection and honor.

___ Make sure your videographers and photographers get the “best shots,” emphasize that you believe the fallen only fell because your opponent caused it, and make sure to smile and give a big “Thumbs-Up!” over the headstone.


The cemetery’s caretaker files a report, stating that she was unable to enforce the law and prevent a campaign ad being made on the sacred grounds. What do you do?

___ Apologize for bullying and ignoring her.

___ Acknowledge you violated law, and offer restitution.

___ Acknowledge you disrespected a solemn event and everyone who ever wore a uniform, and pledge to do better in the future.

___ Declare she’s a “liar,” was having a ‘mental health episode,’ call her “despicable,” and say she should be fired.


The cemetery’s caretaker says she will not press charges, because she fears violent retribution from your supporters. What do you do?

___ Be proud, because your tactic of intimidation is working!


If you picked the last option in each instance, you have the “right stuff” to be the Republican candidate for President.




Jeff Harrison

Buffalo, Texas