The Community Care Club is joyfully celebrating 30 years! The club may not be familiar to you, as it consists of women that live on the south side of Richland Chambers. What began as a desire to meet and fellowship with neighbors has now become a vital part of the community. Their membership, along with their activities, have increased and many milestones have been reached. The CCC offers support to the Lake community in the following ways, to name a few: volunteering in service activities, offering financial assistance to needy organizations, and providing college scholarships. Members participate in fund-raising activities, member-only events, and community outreach programs. They take pride in being a “good works” club and rely on dedication of their members and funds earned through a variety of events. The Southern Oaks Volunteer Fire Department has been the biggest benefactor of Community Care Club funds, including both equipment and expansion of the department. This partnership allowed for much-needed improvement of the SOVFD and provided a space for the CCC to meet and hold events.

2021 Scholarship winners (left-right): Frankie Nelson, Ashlyn Garcia, and Will Prihoda attend the June 14, 2021 Ice Cream Social with members of the Community Care Club. The organization has been active in the southside Richland Chambers area for the past thirty years. (Photos by Shae Garcia)
This year marks 30 years of service to the Southside community and was celebrated during the Ice Cream Social on Monday, June 14th. Members of the Community Care Club served ice cream and cookies before the short program. The 2021 Scholarship recipients and club founders were honored, as well as announcements from the Fire Chief about upcoming community events and opportunities. Scholarships were awarded to recent FHS graduates Frankie Nelson, daughter of Jeff and Melissa Nelson, and Will Prihoda, son of Stephen and Crystal Prihoda. Renewed scholarship winners (those already attending college and meeting GPA requirements) were Abby and Ashlyn Garcia, daughters of Andy and Shae Garcia, and Chandler Noble, son of Bobby and Sherri Rachel. Each student was granted $1000 to further their education. Club members congratulated the students and their parents on this accomplishment.

Founding members of Community Care Club, Becky Long (left) and Jane Johnson (center) visit with long-term member Mary Sides (right).
The Community Care Club would like to invite everyone to be a part of their future, whether it be seeking membership or supporting through a variety of events. A more detailed history of this amazing group of women and any additional information can be found on their Facebook page or on their website
(Photos by Shae Garcia)