Category: Viewpoints

It Seems to Me: Ultimate Grief

Some would argue against the idea that I, a finite, impotent, created being could do anything that would have an impact on God, an infinite, omnipotent, eternal being.  I understand and respect the reasoning behind that...

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Reflections from Red Oak Ranch

If you remember the movie, “The Birds,” an Alfred Hitchcock thriller, you will understand this week’s column!  The swarm came in on at least two different evenings, The Colonel saw them both times.  I only saw them...

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Dear Editor: Dog Safety in the Heat

Dear Editor,  Dog Safety in the Heat For those who leave their dogs in the bed of your pick-up, when the temps reach 90 to over 100 degrees, I want you to take off your shoes and stand bare-footed in the bed of the truck....

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