Category: Viewpoints

Growing Good Corn

James Bender, in his book How to Talk Well, relates the story of a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue ribbon. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and...

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It Seems to Me: His Church

This week, I sat in a man’s office with whom I am acquainted but I do not know him well. I have no idea what church he goes to if at all, but there was a well-used Bible lying on his desk. In the midst of our conversation, I...

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Reflections from Red Oak

  Last week The Red Oak Ranch saw a “rootin’, tootin’” time!  The men were here cutting hay and The Colonel had taken “Ole Blue” out to look around and see how they were doing.  As he was sitting in the truck, the hay...

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Dear Editor – Please Open Your Hearts

  Please Open Your Hearts to Denham Springs, LA. Can you imagine Freestone County flooding where your homes and belongings are completely destroyed; no services. Living in cars, if you’re lucky; or a tent or shanty made out of...

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Reflections from Red Oak Ranch

  Trees, trees, everywhere but mostly on or across the fences!  While having some shredding done, The Colonel drove through the North West Pasture and as is always the case; whenever he is back there he always checks the...

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