(at top): PRESENTING A CHECK FOR $1,000 to Southern Oaks Volunteer Fire Department are representatives of Calpine. Pictured (l-r) are: Tom Blake (SOVFD), Boniface Ndungu (Calpine), Van Wagnon (Fire Chief, SOVFD), Robert DeWitt (Calpine Plant Manager), Ed Fleming (SOVFD), Andy Jones (SOVFD), and John Taylor (Calpine).

FREESTONE COUNTY SHERIFF Jeremy Shipley accepts at $1,000 check from Robert DeWitt on behalf of Calpine – Freestone. Also on hand from Calpine are (l-r): John Taylor, Boniface Ndungu, Brett Mullins, Sheriff Shipley, Plant Manager DeWitt, and Chief Deputy Devin Mowry.

A CHECK FOR $1,000 is presented by Calpine – Freestone to the folks at Freestone Cancer Support Group (far right), who raise travel funds for cancer patients undergoing treatment. One hand for the presentation includes (l-r): Boniface Ndungu, Betty Traske (FCSG), John Taylor, Robert DeWitt, Clint Elliot, Jeanette Cornett (FCSG), Cory Black, & Gayle Carpenter and Spain Trask (FCSG).

CALPINE – FREESTONE PRESENTS a $1,000 check to Fairfield VFD (at right) to support the service they provide to the community. FVFD Fire Chief Anthony Roberts (second from right) gives a big ‘Thank You’ to (l-r): Brett Mullins, Robert DeWitt – Plant Manager, and Cory Black.
(Submitted Photos)