Fairfield Lion’s Club if the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce Business of the Month for October.

Some people wander, what does a Lion do? The answer is beautifully simple though, Lions serve.

Their mission states it well, “To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.”

With the Chapter located in Fairfield, Texas being no exception to that rule, they find a variety of ways to reach out to the local community.

They might donate money to a local organization, visit Fairfield Elementary with Santa Claus and his elves to make sure the students have a splendid time, or maybe you will see them donating money for a child who needs glasses.

Regardless, they are out and about doing great things.

Their most recent scholarship fundraiser is a cookbook full of amazing recipes that they have diligently put together.
Anyone wishing to sponsor the cookbooks can contact Cathy Ethridge at 903-388-2968.

The Lion’s Club meets on every second and fourth Thursday at 6:00 p.m. at Sam’s Restaurant in Fairfield, Texas.