by Conservative State Representative Angelia Orr
As thousands of bills are filed, committee meetings are underway, budget hearings are taking place, and hundreds of visitors are arriving in Austin to champion their causes, I am filled with immense pride to represent House District 13 in the 89th Legislature. It’s more than just a role for me; it’s a commitment to you, the people of HD 13, our shared conservative values, and I intend to keep you informed every step of the way. This is YOUR Texas Capitol, and transparency in the legislative process is my promise to you!
One of the pressing issues we face every session is the barrage of proposals from representatives of urban, more liberal cities. Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio frequently push forward reforms and regulations that, while good for them, often completely ignore the needs of our rural community and our conservative values.
The fact is, urban lawmakers outnumber rural lawmakers 3 to 1 and we compete for the same resources from the state. Even worse, rural districts like ours produce the food, fuel, fiber and water the urban centers need to survive – yet we are simply an afterthought. I stand firm in my dedication to uphold the values and culture that define rural Texas. And it is my job and Constitutional duty to make the urban areas listen to and respect YOU!
Days ago, following the election of the most conservative and, importantly, rural Speaker of the Texas House in modern history, I was named Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee overseeing health and human services, also known as Article II. This pivotal position empowers our district—and all of rural Texas—with controlling the destiny of our rural hospitals and healthcare resources. We will now oversee nearly one-third of the entire state budget, ensuring that rural Texans receive the attention and resources we deserve. No longer will we merely foot the bill for the priorities of larger cities!
In fact, the rest of our state could learn a thing or two from the conservative values of rural Texans.
First and foremost, we believe in the sanctity of life. Every individual is created in God’s image, and it is our moral obligation to protect that life, from the womb onward. As your State Representative overseeing the health and human services budget, I pledge to you that not a single tax dollar will be allocated for
abortions. We will focus instead on the well-being of mothers and their babies during this special and delicate time of life.
Second, family is at the heart of our community. Without strong Texas families, our state faces a bleak future. I am committed to protecting innocent children from the sexualization and exploitation driven by the radical left. There will be no allowance for transgender surgeries, puberty blockers, or sex change operations for children—period.
Finally, we believe in a responsible government that respects your hard-earned tax dollars. In President Reagan’s first inaugural address, he rightly declared, “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” As your State Representative, I am acutely aware of this reality. I have made it my mission to cut wasteful spending, block harmful initiatives like DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and treat your tax dollars with the respect you deserve.
I’ll have much more to share in the coming weeks, but I urge you to stay connected and informed about the legislative process. Feel free to call our Capitol office at (512)
463-0600 for questions and follow my social media page at to keep up with our progress.