Congratulations to McKinna Brackens, this year’s Homecoming Queen at Fairfield High School!
McKinna was elected by a majority vote of her fellow students.

READY TO CROWN THE NEW HOMECOMING QUEEN is 2021 FHS Homecoming Queen Audrey Archibald (middle) who takes a moment to mark the occasion with Senior Nominees (left-right): Paisley Lewis, McKinna Brackens, Hannah Johnson, and Elizabeth Rath. Moments later, McKinna Brackens was crowned 2022 Homecoming Queen!
The announcement and coronation was held prior to the Varsity Football game at Eagle Field on Friday night, September 9, 2022.
Homecoming Court for 2022 included Seniors: Hannah Johnson, Paisley Lewis and Elizabeth Rath.

Homecoming Class Duchesses are (left-right): Junior Lilly Beaver, Sophomore Brooke Cobb, and Freshman Kaylee Williams.
Representing their class as Duchess were:
–Lilly Beaver – Jr.
–Brooke Cobb – So.
–Kaylee Williams – Fresh.
Fairfield students enjoyed dressing up for Spirit Week, and got fired up during the Pep Rally on Friday.
(Photos by Payton Botelho)