Voices for Children will be holding a CASA orientation at the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce office on Tuesday, January 14th from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

This is an opportunity for members of the community to learn more about the role of a Court Appointed Special Advocate and how to volunteer and change a child’s life.

Voices for Children, an established non-profit in the Brazos Valley, provides volunteer advocates for children in foster care in Freestone and Limestone counties. Volunteers are currently serving close to 20 local children, and local volunteers are needed.

The role of a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer is to learn everything they can about the child or children involved in a child protection case and then make informed recommendations to the court as to what is best for the child/children regarding their immediate needs, and most importantly, the safest, most permanent home for each child. Without these highly trained volunteers children can easily fall through the cracks of the overburdened child welfare system.

Local community members are encouraged to become advocates to help local abused and neglected children and are invited to attend an informational session to learn more.

To learn more about this great organization and their noble cause go to vfcbrazos.org, follow them on facebook and Instagram @vfcbrazos or call 979-822-9700.