“When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade,” young entrepreneurs are learning this year.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to become socially distant; this includes the Lemonade Day participants.
Yet, this presents a new lesson for the participants on how to adapt to changes outside your control.
Lemonade Day is a program to help young children learn about becoming a small business owner, and nothing will stop that.
As this program is not about a single day of selling lemonade, but instead about the entire process leading up to the day the booths appear and lemonade is sold, an alternative was created.
Enter Lemonopolis, a free way for children to work on learning the many lessons they usually learn during the program, but from the safety of a computer screen.
The virtual world is a fully interactive, online version of the original Lemonade Day program for children to continue learning how to start and own their very first business.
The four modules include more than ten lessons, include a tutorial, and even make use of a point achievement system.
‘My Journal’ is the offline journal where the young entrepreneurs can record everything from plans to what they learn during the program.
Children of any age are welcome to join, but the target range is grades third through fifth.
Internet connection is necessary, but the program can run on computers, tablets and mobile phones.
Go online to lemonadeday.org/Fairfield to register (or donate), and visit mylemonadeday.org to enter Lemonopolis.
For any questions contact the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce at 903-389-5792.
Annual Lemonade Day Goes Online This Year