Dylan Alderman, grandson of Roger and Margie Alderman of Teague, Texas, attained the highest rank of Eagle Scout as a member of Troop 308, located in Waco, Longhorn Council, Boy Scouts of America.

The Eagle Scout Court of Honor was held on April 14, 2024, at First Methodist Church of Waco.

During the ceremony, the Eagle award with Bronze Palm was presented to Dylan by Mr. Taylor Hamilton, robotics and leadership teacher at Teague High School.

Dylan presented the Mentor pin to Mr. Hamilton and to Kent Fujiwara, his grandfather.

Former Eagle Scout, Pete Sessions, spoke words of encouragement and appreciation during the ceremony.

Dyan began Boy Scouts as a member of Pack 294 in St. Charles, MO and earned the Arrow of Light Award.

He has been a member of Troop 713 in Florissant, MO, and Troop 70 in Mexia, TX. Dylan joined Troop 308 in 2022.

His Troop leadership positions include Quartermaster, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol leader in Troop 308.

He has attended summer camp at S Bar F Scout Ranch in Farmington, MO and Beaumont Scout Reservations, Pacific, MO.

Dylan has also attended National Youth Leadership Training. He has earned the God and Church award and is an Ordeal Member of the Order of the Arrow.

He has earned 27 merit badges and lists Lifesaving as his favorite.

Dylan has been supported by his parents, David and Amy Alderman; grandparents, Roger and Margie Alderman & Kent and Diane Fujiwara; and sister Marley Alderman.