By Barney Leach

May followed suit with January through April with above normal rainfall for each of the first five months of the year. We had eight days with measureable rainfall for a total of 6.88 inches with a greatest one-day total of 4.82 inches on May 16.

Normal rainfall for May is 4.67 inches. Our record wettest May was 15.38 inches of rain in 2019. The driest May was 0.49 inch in 2009.

Our rainfall total for the year now stands at 32.01 inches or 75% of normal rainfall for the entire year. Our normal rainfall through May is 18.11 inches.

At this time last year we had received 34.01 inches of rain or 80% of normal for the entire year. We wound up with 46.30 inches for the year or 3.89 inches above normal.

Temperature-wise, May temperatures were somewhat a repeat of April temperatures in that we only equaled April’s high temperature of 87 degrees. We had a high temperature of 87 degrees on May 23. On the low-side, we had a low of 54 degrees on May 10 as compared to a low of 44 degrees in April.

Looking ahead to June: We are going into what is normally our third hottest month of the year without having reached 90 degrees yet. We normally see high temperatures mainly in the mid to upper nineties in June.

Normal rainfall for June is 3.97 inches. Our record wettest June was 13.26 inches of rain 2004. Our driest June was 0.23 inch in 2008.

The above rainfall and temperature data was recorded by Barney Leach, former co-op weather volunteer for the National Weather Service and former weather volunteer for Channel 8 in Dallas, Channel 10 in Waco and radio station KNES in Fairfield.