Hey Taylor – I just found out my 10-year high school reunion is happening this June. I feel like I can’t miss it, but I also have to buy a plane ticket and definitely don’t have money saved up for that. Any ideas for how I can make $1,000 over the next couple of months so I don’t have to put it all on a credit card? – Travis
Hey Travis – The 10-year reunion is a special one, so let’s see if we can make this happen. It’ll take diligent work and a very specific mindset, but I’ve got faith.
–1. Start with savings. As much as you’d like to earn $1,000 and be done with it, that might not be the easiest route. More likely, you’ll figure out a few areas of spending that can be cut back over the next couple of months, which will free up a significant amount of money. For starters, you can join the digital minimalism movement. Delete all the apps and streaming services that cost money but don’t get enough use to justify the spending. Use an app like Rocket Money to see what you’re paying for and then axe anything that’s not essential. You could sit with your phone for an hour, canceling or suspending everything that has a monthly fee, and probably save $500 over the next three months. Couple that with less driving and cost-conscious grocery shopping, and you might save your way to a plane ticket.
–2. Sell stuff. Yard sales are one of my favorite things. I’ve got three kids, so clutter happens pretty quickly in my household. When we have the opportunity to sell stuff the kids have outgrown or my wife and I agree we no longer need, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. I get cash and I don’t have to keep this stuff in the garage anymore? It’s the ultimate win-win. Find everything that’s just taking up space and might still have a little value, and sell it as cheaply as possible. It might be hard to part with a perfectly good T-shirt for $2, but if you’ve never worn it, that’s a $2 gain.
–3. Get a new credit card. If you’re swimming in debt or have terrible credit, you might have to ignore this option. If you’re in good standing with creditors, you might be able to get your whole trip paid for just by applying for a new card with a great opening bonus. My friend and his wife just took turns signing up for the Chase Preferred Business card and, without changing their spending habits, have earned enough points to take their whole family on vacation. You have to be careful with this so you don’t go into debt, but it could be an option for covering travel costs.
With a little outside-the-box thinking, I’m sure you can get the money you need. You have the power to go out and earn/save at will, you just have to make the effort. Good luck!