Jonathan Hardin Chapter, NSDAR met at Gibbs Library in Mexia on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, for the regular monthly meeting. Two of the special guests were Constanza Alvarado and Brianna Latray, both seniors at Groesbeck High School. Also attending were parents of both girls, as well as their school counselor, Sarah Bush.

Award winners: Brianna Latray and Constanza Alvarado of Groesbeck High School with Denise Bennet in costume as Marquise Adrienne de Lafayette. (Submitted Photo)

Denise Bennett of Lady Washington Chapter in Houston presented in costume as Marquise Adrienne de Lafayette, wife of Marquis Gilbert de Lafayette who served our country as a Frenchman during the American Revolution. NSDAR is celebrating the 200th anniversary of “Lafayette’s Farewell Tour, 1824-25” in America.

Constanza was chosen in the fall of 2024 by her school to receive the DAR Good Citizen Award. Five other seniors from Teague, Fairfield, Mexia and Wortham also received this award at the December 2024 meeting. Honorary Regent Nancy McSwane serves as chair of the DAR Good Citizens Committee.

Jonatthan Hardin Regent Patti Gauntt; Denise Bennet in costume as Marquise Adrienne de Lafayette; and Jonathan Hardin Honorary Regent Aleece McBay.

Constanza was one of the five students that chose to write an impromptu essay without the aid of any resources. The essay prompt was “Our American Heritage and Our Responsibility for Preserving It”. She was also given a focus question. She was chosen by three non-DAR judges as the overall chapter winner for DAR Good Citizen. She was awarded a Good Citizen pin, certificate, and monetary gift in December, and was awarded the chapter winner certificate and monetary gift from the chapter by Honorary Regent Aleece McBay at the February 12 meeting.

Bianna Latray was chosen by two non-DAR judges and one DAR judge as Jonathan Hardin Chapter winner of the Patriots of the American Revolution High School Essay Contest. Her essay was titled “John Adams: American Patriot and Original Influencer.” Brianna was awarded a certificate, a chapter winner medal, and a monetary gift by the Recording Secretary, Julia Morton. The American History Committee is co-chaired by Julia Morton and Susan Rankin.