Jonathan Hardin Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution met on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at Gibbs Library in Mexia for our regular meeting. We were honored to recognize Good Citizens from the senior class of six of the high schools in Limestone and Freestone counties that chose to participate.

The DAR Good Citizens Program encourages recognition of outstanding young people who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship in their homes, schools, and communities! Students selected by their schools as the school’s DAR Good Citizen must have the following qualities: Dependability, Service, Leadership, and Patriotism.

The following students were chosen by their schools for 2024: Adriano Mendoza, Mexia High School; Constanza Alvarado, Groesbeck High School; Jesse Schick, Faith Academy of Freestone; Karlie Paris, Teague High School; Ember Preston, Wortham High School; and Jerry Draper, Fairfield High School.

Each school’s DAR Good Citizen received a DAR Good Citizens pin and certificate. Our DAR Good Citizen Committee is chaired by Honorary Regent Nancy McSwane.