There has been some confusion in Freestone County regarding the County Treasurer position since Jeannie Keeney resigned, effective August 3, 2024.

Keeney submitted her letter of resignation on July 3, 2024, giving the County a month to appoint someone to serve as Interim Treasurer until the November election.

Commissioners and the County Judge Linda Grant interviewed four candidates last week and chose to appoint Whitney McKinley to the position.

McKinley states that she accepted the position with the understanding that the Republican Party would most likely put her on the ballot for the November election.

However, last week, the Party appointed Mandy Chavers as their candidate.

Considering this, McKinley chose to step down, since taking the position would require her to close her business and she doesn’t want to do that for only three months.

Chavers states that she heard about the Interim Treasurer position when applications were being accepted, picked up an application, but never turned one in and was not interviewed by Commissioners.

She later had discussions with the Republican Party, and after being asked, accepted their appointment for the ballot.

Chavers says however that she has not been approached by Commissioners or the Judge, as of press time, to serve as the Interim Treasurer until she fills that position following the election, being that she is the only candidate on the ballot due to the Democratic Party not appointing one.

“I have no hard feelings,” states McKinley. “I was simply applying for the fact that I could have stable medical insurance for myself and my girls while also serving the community.” She says that she is more than happy to continue her daycare business.

Chavers, a 2008 graduate of Fairfield High School, and 2023 Graduate of Texas A&M – Corpus Christi with a MBA, recently moved back to the area.

“I’m excited about the opportunity,” says Chavers. “I think serving as County Treasurer will be a great place for me to plant my feet. It’s a big and honorable position, and I’m looking forward to serving my community while growing my career.”

Chavers has extensive experience in payroll and human resources from previous jobs, co-owns Cash Money Services with her brother Lucas Chavers, and owns her own bookkeeping service.

“I feel like I am more than qualified for this position,” she goes on to say. “Things are always changing. I feel it is important to have younger role models to contribute to the community in a new and fresh way.”

It is unclear, as of press time, what the County will do about the interim position between now and the November election. Judge Grant was not available to speak on the matter.

Interesting to note however, the County has a ‘Hold Over’ rule, wherein Keeney is still being paid and is officially considered County Treasurer until the position is filled.

“Being the person I am, I can’t just completely walk away,” says Keeney. “Because I’m still being paid, I will continue to help via phone, as well as go into the office when I’m in town to assist however I can.”

The ‘Times’ will continue to follow this story and update as more details become available.