Freestone County Republicans Seek Volunteers to Serve as Precinct Chairs

“When I became willing to work, God opened so many doors,” stated Donna Carter, speaking at the August 13, 2024, Freestone Republican Party meeting.

If the name sounds familiar, it was her organization, Going Ballistic, that was instrumental in getting a ballistic shield for Freestone County’s Sheriff’s office.

The Uvalde School shooting affected her greatly, so she decided to do something about it. She called Sheriff Jeremy Shipley, asking if they had the equipment they needed in the event of a school shooting.

His answer was, “No!”

This led to her forming the 501-c3 organization that, to date, has provided numerous shields to law enforcement agencies in Texas. Learn more about this at

This was the beginning of other opportunities God provided Carter, who lives in Navarro County. She is an active member in the Navarro County Republican Party.

During the GOP State Convention, she was elected as an alternate for the National Convention.

To save money, she and three others rode together to get to Milwaukee. They learned President Trump had been shot while on the road. She immediately called her husband, who had not heard. The news was a shock to all.

She stated that the Convention was a wonderful experience, even as an alternate.

“Everybody knows Texas,” she said proudly, displaying the Cowboy hat she wore at the Convention, where she had many delegates sign it.

Ms. Carter invites everyone to “Patriot Posse Bonfire” fundraiser honoring Senator Bob Hall on October 25th. The entry fee is $50. For more information, contact Donna Carter at 214-762-2555.

Stephen Long spoke next. He had co-founded a Young Republican’s Organization in Rockwall, Texas with his brother. He indicated they overcame many obstacles along the way, including the repeated adage, “We’ve always done it that way.”

Good news! Long plans to be moving to Fairfield in the very near future. If you have an interest in being part of a Young Republicans organization here, contact him at 972-679-6360.

Michelle and Don Miller spoke briefly about why they made their way to Texas in 2020. They had lived in Portland, Oregon and witnessed the destroying of that great city. They spoke of tents being everywhere, and how antifa had taken over. “It was much worse than you saw on tv,” Don indicated.

Freestone County Republican Chair Keith Turchi is asking for volunteers who reside in Teague’s Precincts 5 & 9 and Wortham’s Precinct 7 to be Precinct Chair persons. All the election judges in Freestone County, to be approved by Freestone County Commissioners Court and recommended by Turchi, will be registered Republicans. This is determined by the number of votes for the party of the governor who won the last election. All thirteen Precincts votes were a majority for a Republican governor.

Turchi told the 23 people in attendance that he is working on establishing the by-laws.

He will be sending out emails to all interested parties of upcoming meetings. Those in attendance provided their information. Contact him at 903-879-6120 to get on the list. Also look at the Facebook page Freestone Republican Party page for updates and information.

Mary McDonald
Freelance Reporter