Wortham PD Chief of Police, Kelly Butler, retires following citizen complaints on police response time within the department’s coverage area.

During a special-called City Council meeting on July 23, 2024, citizens from the Wortham and Streetman area gathered to express dissatisfaction and concerns about slow response times and the way issues had been handled by Wortham PD.

Since 2009, the two cities have had a contract in which the City of Wortham is compensated in return for Wortham PD serving as police force for the City of Streetman.

This coverage is currently conducted with only three full-time officers, to include the Chief of Police, a couple of part-time officers, and a handful of reserves, to serve the two cities, which are located approximately 15-20 minutes apart.

The primary complaint at the July 23rd meeting came from Dana Pillians, who is dissatisfied with Chief Butler’s response time and how he handled the 911 call at her place of business in Streetman during an incident that occurred on July 1, 2024.

Pillans states that 911 was contacted, and she was told that they had to contact the ‘on-call’ officer, who was Chief Butler. After a time, she called back and asked when she could expect an officer, and was asked “for what?”

She continued, saying that after nearly an hour, Chief Butler finally arrived, but she felt like he was being dismissive toward her.

Pillians explained that she is extremely concerned about the unprofessional response and lack of timely communication.

Others attending the special meeting expressed worries that Wortham won’t be properly protected when officers are providing service in Streetman, saying that Wortham should come first.

On the other hand, Streetman citizens said they are upset that they must wait for services to be given by Wortham PD or Freestone County, and the time it takes for officers to respond.

There were also several community members at the meeting to show their support for Chief Butler and the department, for their hard work and unwavering support for the two communities.

After listening to all comments from citizens, council members went into Executive Sesson for about an hour and a half to discuss “Matters regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee: Chief of Police Kelly Butler.”

Upon completion of the Executive Sesson, the Council convened back into regular session. Councilman Cliff NeSmith made a motion for the “council to prepare a Personal Improvement Plan for Chief Butler, that will include corrective actions and enforcement if items are not met.”

Two weeks following this meeting, on August 7, 2024, Chief Butler submitted a letter stating the following:

“Maylor Goolsby and Council: Please accept this letter as formal notification of my retirement effective immediately. I have enjoyed the opportunity to serve the citizens of Wortham as Police Chief for the past 11 plus years. If I can be of assistance during this transition, please let me know. Sincerely, Kelly Butler.”

During the next Council meeting held Monday, August 12th, the council voted 3 to 2 not accept the letter of retirement. Voting to accept were Cliff NeSmith and Jeff Carr. Not accepting the retirement letter were Michael Busby, Scott Batts, and Patrick Evans.

Chief Butler was not available for comment at press time.

Serving as Interim Chief of Police, until a new Chief can be hired, will be Kelly Craig, who has previously served as Chief of Police and was currently serving as a reserve for the department.

“His extensive experience makes him the perfect candidate for Interim Chief of Police,” states Councilman Batts.

“The City of Streetman supports Chief Kelly Butler,” said Streetman City Secretary Heather Marfell.

As far as the contract with Streetman for police coverage is concerned, the two cities will meet next Monday, August 26, 2024 at Streetman City Hall, to discuss the feasibility of continuing the agreement.

Wortham City Council holds their regularly scheduled meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

Streetman Commissioners meet each 3rd Monday of the month, beginning at 6:30 p.m.